Blog Archive

Monday, February 29, 2016

Healthy Eating, Exercise & Pinterest

I'm struggling to find a theme for this blog.  I have a bunch of useless stuff to say and I need a place to document it. There are a couple of things that I want to document. 

First, I need a way to track my success as I start to eat healthier and exercise.  Diet is the first word that came to my mind, but supposedly, even the use of that word already has you at a disadvantage.    My cousin and I have a secret Facebook group that started out (for me) as a way to document the foods we were eating. To be held accountable to someone else.  I, for sure, thought food shaming each other would be the answer.  It wasn't, I basically wanted to one up her, if she posted a plate full of fried food, I wanted to post a plate full of fried food and ice cream.  I'm not sure if I'm going to follow someone else's program (21 Day Fix, Low Carb, Dr. Oz, Kimberly Snyder) or just use common sense.  Either way, I have a wedding dress to fit into and I need to slim down and tighten all the jiggles on my body.

I don't have any solutions to starting an exercise program other than I am NOT running.  I hate running, even if someone was chasing me, I wouldn't run.  I don't even like to walk too fast.
I did buy a book called Buff Bride a couple of months ago.  Apparently, just owning the book doesn't make you buff.  What a rip off.

Second, I've been trying some of the DIY pins on Pinterest and I needed to document and track some of these things.  There are quite a few things I have made where some of the claims of the pinners are just flat out lies.  I've also tried lots of DIY cleaning products that don't work either.

I think the first thing I need to focus on is motivation.  What will motivate me to want to jump around until I sweat, then eat a salad with no dressing?
What would motivate you? If you are already motivated, how do you stay that way?

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